Hi Benoit

So, there is an A record for www.numberportability.ch, and it's
signed and resolves and validates without issue for me.

However, when I attempt to look up the AAAA record (or any other RRtype
except A), I get the following response from Swizzonic's nameserver:

> ; <<>> DiG 9.18.9 <<>> www.numberportability.ch aaaa
> @2a01:8100:2901::1:183:201 +dnssec ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 44515
> ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1
> ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 1680
> ;www.numberportability.ch.    IN      AAAA
> numberportability.ch. 900     IN      SOA
> dns1.swizzonic.ch. hostmaster.swizzonic.ch. 2022121601 10800 3600
> 604800 86400
> numberportability.ch. 900     IN
> RRSIG SOA 13 2 900 20230105000000 20221215000000 10556
> numberportability.ch.
> SzRBpQzLj0tEmzfg0LN6vBVd6pDYVY5RhaJd8BFKX57yaU1xCEeVFQiB
> ogAb0xMsVcUMEew15KbjxDyLBGhvsw==
> numberportability.ch.
> 86400 IN      NSEC    numberportability.ch. A NS SOA MX
> numberportability.ch. 86400
> IN    RRSIG   NSEC 13 2 86400 20230105000000 20221215000000
> 10556 numberportability.ch.
> nwLoV6Gr+DLINpw+1wARJkj6VCUEIPT3ciZGrmltkBXu7tlW3L9GF0Ht
> 5kCZbDooM8yMGOow0gI/EdIzYwKA+A==
> ;; Query time: 26 msec
> ;; SERVER: 2a01:8100:2901::1:183:201#53(2a01:8100:2901::1:183:201)
> (UDP) ;; WHEN: Wed Dec 28 16:13:41 CET 2022
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 390

Note the response status:

> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 44515

It is a NOERROR rather than NXDOMAIN. This means the name server
indicates that the absence of an AAAA record in the response is a
NoData [rfc2308] error rather than a NXDOMAIN error, or, in other
words, it claims that the domain www.numberportability.ch. exists, but
doesn't have an AAAA record.

Now let's turn our eyes to the NSEC record in the response:

> numberportability.ch. NSEC numberportability.ch. [... some rrtypes]

Here, Swizzonic's nameserver claims that there is no domain between
numberportability.ch. and numberportability.ch., i.e. that it does not
have any subdomains at all.  This is in contrast to the NoData response
above, and thus the DNSSEC validator considers the response bogus.

So it appears there is to be some kind of misconfiguration on
Swizzonic's side.

Hope this helps in narrowing down the issue.


[rfc2308]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2308#section-2.2
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