Iwasshocked and saddened to learn ofGeorge Zeller'ssudden passing 
earliertoday(March20) ina housefire thismorning.I had exchanged emails with 
Georgeearlier this week onNASWAeditorialmattersashe wasslowlyrecoveringfrom his 
recent Covid-19 vaccination. The news article inthe online Cleveland Comeback 
mentionedovercrowdedelectrical outlets/extension cords as the cause of the 
accidentalfire. Georgewas 71 years old.
Georgeand I kneweach other for about 40 years. Georgecame to several 
DXpeditions at Gifford Pinchot and French Creek StateParks. Weattended many of 
the same radio hobby gatherings over the years. Forseveral years, I traveled to 
Cleveland for work; George and I wouldgo out to dinner on those 
occasions.Naturally,any time my company was mentioned in the local newspaper 
George wouldeagerlyforward that information to me. Georgealso traveled to the 
Winter SWL Festival in Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania each year to gather with 
like minded radio people. Heattended other radio conventionstoo over the year’s 
throughoutthe country.
Georgewas well known in the greater Cleveland area as an Economist who 
keptclose tabs on the Ohio economy. The Economic Indicators project heworked on 
provided continually updated information on poverty,earnings, and the economy 
in all Ohio counties and communities, withrelated demographics. In Ohio, 
Economic Indicators data includeannual income trends for all 612 Ohio school 
districts. Detailed datawas also available for job growth and payroll earnings 
in all Ohiocounties goingback to 1979,including measures of the very large job 
losses suffered by Clevelandand Ohio during the 2000s recession that has 
lingered longer in Ohiothan it did elsewhere in the United States. Over the 
year’s hemixed with local political figures and served as a volunteer in 
anumber of community organizations serving the greater Cleveland area.Hewas a 
regular on several talk radio programs when Ohio’s economywas the lead topic.
Georgewas an active baseball and football fan. He attended baseball 
gameswherever he could. Hespent time traveling to difference citiesattending 
games in many major league and minor league baseballstadiums. Irecall making 
suchatrip to Camden Yards in Baltimore with several others to catch 
anOrioles-Yankees baseball game whenmy children were youngsters.Hewas an 
enthusiastic Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Browns fan goingback to the glory 
days of the 1950’s. Henever forgave the Indians for trading away Rocky 
Fortwentyyears Georgewrote a column aboutunlicensed pirate and clandestine 
shortwave radio broadcasting newsin Monitoring Times magazine. Hewasalso a 
contributing editor to Passport to World Band Radio, thedefinitive guide to 
international shortwave broadcasting frequencies,schedules, and receiving 
equipment. For decades hewrote a column on Clandestine radio broadcasting in 
the monthlyissues of The ACE from the Association of Clandestine 
RadioEnthusiasts. Annually,he hosted the Pirate Radio Forum at the Winter SWL 
Festival inPlymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania aswell as being the host of the prize 
raffle at the Saturdaynight banquet.Inrecent years, George was the editor of 
the Pirate Radio Report columnfor the North American Shortwave Association. He 
joined NASWA inDecember 1965as a lad of sixteen.
Georgewas always fun to be with and a real character to boot. Nomatter what the 
topic of the conversation was, he had a story thatmay or may not have been 
pertinent. Therewas never a dull moment when he was part of the group. 
GeorgeZellerwill be missed by all of us.

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