I think it would be great to have an R sword library!  Unfortunately
my knowledge of R is approximately zero, so couldn't make sense of the
code myself.

So, same question as my last email - does anyone know these folks?
Are they maybe already on-list?



On 10 October 2013 13:47, Philip Durbin <philip_dur...@harvard.edu> wrote:
> I'm not sure if there is an R package for SWORD but I wanted to point
> out that https://github.com/leeper/dvn was recently updated to support
> SWORDv2 operations.
> As you might guess from the name, this "dvn" R package works
> specifically with Dataverse Network, but someone might be interested
> in abstracting out the SWORDv2 functionality to make a generic R
> package for SWORDv2 and put it on CRAN.
> Phil
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Philip Durbin <philip_dur...@harvard.edu>
> Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Re: [sword-app-tech] Dataverse Network (DVN) 3.6 in
> production as a SWORDv2 server
> To: "dataverse-commun...@googlegroups.com"
> <dataverse-commun...@googlegroups.com>
> And for the R programmers... https://github.com/leeper/dvn/issues/1
> was recently closed so if you pull down the latest version with
> devtools like this:
> install_github(repo = 'dvn', username = 'leeper')
> You can start playing around with DVN's new Data Deposit API from within R!
> Phil
> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Philip Durbin
> <philip_dur...@harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Woo-hoo!
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "LEWIS Stuart" <stuart.le...@ed.ac.uk>
>> Date: Sep 21, 2013 8:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: [sword-app-tech] Dataverse Network (DVN) 3.6 in production as a 
>> SWORDv2 server
>> To: "Philip Durbin" <philip_dur...@harvard.edu>, 
>> "&lt;sword-app-tech@lists.sourceforge.net&gt;" 
>> <sword-app-tech@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Thanks Phil - I've now updated the web page as suggested:
>>  - http://swordapp.org/sword-v2/sword-v2-implementations/
>> Thanks,
>> Stuart Lewis
>> Head of Research and Learning Services
>> Deputy Director Library & University Collections, Information Services
>> University of Edinburgh
>> stuart.le...@ed.ac.uk
>> On 20/09/2013 20:40, "Philip Durbin" <philip_dur...@harvard.edu> wrote:
>> I'm writing to announce that http://thedata.harvard.edu/dvn/ has been
>> upgraded to DVN 3.6, making it a SWORDv2 server.
>> Our docs are at
>> http://thedata.harvard.edu/guides/dataverse-api-main.html#data-deposit-api
>> If you'd like to list it at
>> http://swordapp.org/sword-v2/sword-v2-implementations/ please be my
>> guest. I think we are fairly compliant with the SWORD v2 spec but I
>> welcome feedback either way. Our code is at
>> https://github.com/IQSS/dvn
>> Thank you to everyone on this list for the help over the last few
>> months. I really appreciate it!
>> Phil
>> --
>> Philip Durbin
>> Software Developer for http://thedata.org
>> http://www.iq.harvard.edu/people/philip-durbin
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> --
> Philip Durbin
> Software Developer for http://thedata.org
> http://www.iq.harvard.edu/people/philip-durbin
> --
> Philip Durbin
> Software Developer for http://thedata.org
> http://www.iq.harvard.edu/people/philip-durbin
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