Dear SWORDers,

Sure, we all support dcterms, which is a simple key/value schema, in
the Atom entry when creating a Resource.

But what about going beyond dcterms?

We are interested in supporting richer formats, some of which are
hierarchical, such as DDI, as detailed below.

Is anyone supporting anything other than dcterms when creating
Resources? Is this crazy talk?

Thanks in advance for the sanity check!


p.s. Here are the details of our situation:

So far, according to the OJS Dataverse plugin testers surveyed with
results recorded at
the most commonly requested feature is the ability to customize which
metadata fields are available as part of the data deposit form, which
should be implemented in a future version. In order to support this,
we will need to expand the API's metadata support beyond Dublin Core
metadata. SWORD Protocol *should* be flexible enough for us to use
other standards like DDI. At
the SWORDv2 spec says (emphasis added):

> * The client *SHOULD add Dublin Core* [DublinCore] terms to the Atom Entry as 
> foreign markup (if appropriate); the terms MUST be embedded as direct 
> children of the atom:entry element, if present.
> * The client *MAY add any other metadata formats or foreign markup* to the 
> atom:entry element

We interpret this to mean that in addition to Dublin Core (dcterms,
specifically), the SWORD spec is flexible enough to support wildly
different metadata formats such as DataCite (
), DDI (Data Documentation Initiative: ),
VO (Virtual Observatory:
) ISA-Tab (Investigation, Study, and Assay in Tabular format: ), etc.


Philip Durbin
Software Developer for

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