On 20 Jan 2011, at 09:00, Ian Stuart wrote:

> On 19/01/11 17:26, Richard Jones wrote:
>> Also, as per my earlier comment about export plugins in EPrints, you
>> could easily imagine throwing a known package format into the
>> repository, and then asking it to give you it back in a variety of
>> formats that you don't know how to generate yourself.
> Hmmmm...... interesting!
> I see a future development for the OA-RJ broker there!!

With K-Int we produced something called the Content Transcoder which was a 
cloud service for doing just this using common e-learning packaging formats 


Adding a SWORD endpoint to it might make for a nice example.

>> It's been a long standing complaint against SWORD that despite it being
>> an "interoperability" standard, you can't even deposit the same package
>> into DSpace, EPrints and Fedora, let alone other implementations that
>> weren't funded as part of the original project. From both a practical
>> point of view and a community perception point of view this has to be
>> addressed.
> This is an issue that the OA-RJ Project is addressing with the Broker work.
> Our initial work is to produce a single importable package, and the importers 
> that go with them, so that the Broker can pass on an Item to a number of 
> target repositories.
> (There is a future development idea which would be to allow each target 
> repository to identify the package format it wanted, and the Broker would 
> transfer in that package.... but that is a *much* slower mechanism when 
> dealing with multi-institutional papers)
> -- 
> Ian Stuart.
> Developer: Open Access Repository Junction and OpenDepot.org
> Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
> The University of Edinburgh.
> http://edina.ac.uk/
> This email was sent via the University of Edinburgh.
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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