---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ian Stuart <ian.stu...@ed.ac.uk>
Date: 20 January 2011 01:27
Subject: Re: content negotiating for package formats
To: techadvisorypa...@swordapp.org

On 19/01/11 11:28, Richard Jones wrote:
> I think we're talking slightly cross-purposes here. The problem with the
> content negotiation is in when the client /retrieves/ its content from
> the sword server, not when it deposits it.
>  From a deposit point of view we have the acceptPackaging field in the
> service document, which tells the client what formats the server will
> support the deposit of, and there is the (X-)Packaging header which
> tells the server what the client has given them. The default (standard?)
> format that we're recommending for SWORD is a plain old zip file,
> optionally augmented with dc embedded in an atom entry sent along with
> it, which is very much in-line with the AtomPub spec (and also fits your
> criteria above :) )
> The problem is when the client is trying to retrieve content from the
> server, and wants to ask for it in a particular format via content
> negotiation. At the moment, there is no provision in HTTP Accept-
> headers to ask the server for a METS package.

To a certain extent, yes.... however that also assumes that SWORD is
only ever a transport mechanism to transfer from Client-to-Server.

To my mind, SWORD is an agnostic transport mechanism: carrying
messages from one "machine" to another "machine", so messages should
work bilaterally.... if the desktop application requests a transfer
from the Learning Object Repository, which way is the "Deposit"?

Hence my suggestion that the whole content negotiation thing should be
manageable from both ends.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: Open Access Repository Junction and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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