Sorry for the HTML email but I wanted to show something better and plain text doesn't cut it. I found where the MarkCurrentVerse is being turned back on even when it is off. Is there any reason why this is turned on here. I have extracted the following code from the SWDispRTFChap class.
char SWDispRTFChap::Display(SWModule &Module)
 if ((key->Verse() == verse) && (AutoPosition == true)) {
   tmptext = newtext + RTFTrailer;
   RTFStream->WriteBuffer(tmptext.c_str(), tmptext.Length());
   RTFStream->Position = 0;
   //FMarkCurrentVerse = true;  // If I comment this line out the bug is fixed
   PlainText = true;
   versepos = GetTextLen(); //RTFStream.Position;
   PlainText = false;
I am concerned that this was here for a reason I don't know about. I cannot see of any reason why we would want to turn this on here so I commented it out and now the current verse autocolor works as expected. But maybe I have introduced a new bug. Anyone know why this was here? If not this fixes the problem. My patch on Sunday will include this change.
In Christ,
David Trotz

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