I have noted  a fair number of suggestions regarding an API for Python.  Admittedly the suggestion I have to make is very Windows centric but for Windows people it would be a good one.  Instead of creating a specialized API for Python, why not provide a COM (IUnknown interface) with IDispatch in essence make SWORD an ActiveX server.  This will allow folks to choose the scripting language of their choice: jscript, java, C++, vbscript, VB, VBA (MS Office apps), perl, python, and tcl just to name a few.  This would also allow SWORD to be used as a WEB service on a IIS server (maybe Apache too?) via asp or cgi.
I think you'll have to implement the COM interfaces yourself assuming you are using the GNU compiler - not easy but probably worth while.  There are books (Essential COM by Don Box)
I don't know if Linux supports COM.  Some flavors of UNIX do.
"Pretty this ain't, but sometimes a programmer's just gotta do what a programmer's gotta do." - Scott Meyers

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