Hi there .....

I apologise in advance if you think this is way off topic.  My son is getting 
married in a couple of weeks.  He and his fiancee were round here last 
night and they want 1 Cor 13 read at the wedding (surprise!).  I offered 
Gaynor (my future daughter-in-law) a look at all the English versions I 
have (and that is most of them - locked and otherwise).  I was really 
surprised when she chose JB Phillips and the BBE version as her two 
best liked.  Maybe we ought to swap around more rather than stick with 
our own preferred version most of the time.

God bless you all,


>From Barry Drake (The Revd - minister of Arnold United Reformed Church,
Nottingham - see http://www.arnold-urc.supanet.com for our church homepages).

Fax: 0705 069 8746


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