Hi Tero
> Here's a message I posted a while back, when I got similar compile time
> errors. Hope it helps.

  That does seem to help, thank-you! Unfortunately, I seem to have a new 
problem - the compile failed since the source directory inflated beyond my 
user quota. :-(
  For the purpose of making Diatheke, can I remove some of the directories 
from the SWORD codebase before compiling (i.e. the GUI clients), or will that 
cause a problem with the Makefiles? I think if I trimmed away the size of the 
SWORD source, maybe I could get Diatheke compiled within my space.

  Oh, it is worth noting that compiling Diatheke works without a hitch on my 
SuSE 7.1 system, but it seems that RedHat 6.2 had a different glibc than SuSE 
7.1 (I get a " error in loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" error when trying 
to run the SuSE binary on the web server).


Timothy R. Butler  | Universal Networks |  http://www.uninet.info
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