CCEL has a lot of nice tools for converting to ThML, too.  Are we really
going in this direction with Sword? :) :)  That would be really great...
I'd like to get into the ThML side if we're moving there... just let me
know what you see as priorities


Todd K. Pedlar  Postdoc for Ohio State University, Dept of Physics
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Homepage:
   Phone:  (607) 255-5748   (607) 255-4882    Fax: (607) 255-8062
"Give me a bowl of coffee or I will surely turn into a goat!"
                                                        J.S. Bach
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don A. Elbourne Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:17 AM
Subject: RE: [sword-devel] General Book Support

> > > Does the ThML-Importer mean that CCel texts can be used?
> > > Would be cool.
> >
> > Yes.  Yes it would. :)
> > Unfortunately only a small subset of the CCEL texts are in ThML, but you
> > could all go help Harry out by converting the rest into ThML. :)
> EXACTLY! :D There are only a small group of programmers working on Sword,
> but I think many many more people out there are capable of tagging texts
> with ThML mark up. Anyone can do that. Once we have a ThML manager/viewer
> think that many more people would join the effort of placing texts into
> ThML. It would not be long before Sword could boast of having more texts
> available in their format than Logos or QuickVerse.
> I am just wondering, since this jump to general book support is so huge,
> wouldn't it warrant a 2.0 designation?
> by grace alone,
> Don A. Elbourne Jr.

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