Hi David .......

On 13 Jun 2002 at 0:24, David Trotz wrote:
> Thank you for pointing this out. Troy fixed this, and it is available for
> download

Sorry - seem to be a huge amount of problems on this version on my box.  On 
firing up, it shows an error messagebox saying: "TextRTFRev.Web is not a 
valid component name".  When I close the messagebox, it fires up - but the 
only menuitem on the 'Options' menu is 'Preferences'  -  the Strongs, 
Headings, Morphological Tags etc. items have disappeared.  Also, the search 
and back buttons don't show.  Does this version need a later DLL than I 
have? (If so where do I get it?)  I have swicu20.dll dated 5 September 01 
and icudt19.dll dated 20 October 01.  System: Windows 98 4.10.2222 A 

I tried deleting the cfg files, and also getting rid of the revWeb and Web 
modules and it made no difference.

On trying to shut down, the program came up with an error reliably every 
time and had to be shut down using Ctrl-Alt-Del.

I will keep the program in case you need me to try anything else.

God bless,


>From Barry Drake (The Revd - minister of the Arnold and the Netherfield 
Reformed Churches, Nottingham - see http://www.arnold-urc.supanet.com for 
church homepages).

Fax: 0705 069 8746


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