On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Christian Renz wrote:

> >The question is whether we, as a Christian ministry, should be
> >distributing copies of the Quran or the Book of Mormon or such.
> Oh sorry -- that's a misunderstanding and a whole different can of
> worms... :-) I was referring to modules we consider orthodox, but not
> in a "perfect" state of conversion. I've been guilty myself of not
> releasing something for a long time because I always thought "I'm
> going to finish this up soon...". My message was just meant as a
> reminder to not fall in to this trap.
> Release Early And Release Often. :-)

Yeah, I agree.  We will probably release those sorts of modules even if 
they aren't proofed.  Who am I kidding by implying we proofread? :)

Josephus is the only module we currently have that I think fits this 
category.  Most ThML-converted texts require a lot of clean up before we 
could release them.
> As for non-"orthodox" or openly non-christian books -- I believe these
> belong under the carpet. They can always be referred to when somebody
> explicitly asks for them. Although I do think that the modules alone
> are not so valuable a tool for Muslims/Mormons that they would really
> use Sword as a tool to spread their faith.

The further problem is that these groups might notice Sword and start 
producing more material for themselves, making Sword into a really useful 
tool for them.  Our only real way of preventing this, legally, would be to 
dump GPL and write our own license to specify things such as: distribution 
of Sword binaries must be accompanied by at least one Bible.


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