On Thursday 05 September 2002 10:39 am, Joachim Ansorg wrote:
> > Ah good I was holding off on making gentoo packages for the sword and
> > stuff until 1.5.4.
> Gentoo? Never heard this name ...

It's relitivly new in the linux world. Maybe a year or two old, but it is in 
the top 10 distros listed by distrowatch.org It's source based with a package 
system called portage that is something like a cross between BSD's ports and 
Debian's apt-get.

> > On that note I was thinking about making the install manager it's own
> > package think that is workable?
> Should be, but for Linux it's not working for remote sources.

Oh, well then I'll hold off on that until it's working for remote sources 
(which is kind of the point of install manager IMO)

> > Also, if I wanted to make some standard module packages which versions
> > should I include? I'm wanting to make differing language packs and stuff
> > but am at a loss as to what to include
> Maybe ask Troy for the download statistics? The most downloaded module of
> each type (bible, commentary, lexicon) could be made into a package. Just
> an idea.

I might do that. And I was more thinking of making like starter packages. 
Basically a package that had a couple different versions in it (if the 
language had more than one version), some commentaries and a dictionary or 
two. Something like that.

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