----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy A. Griffitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [sword-devel] Bug !

> > Secondly...the searching is very buggy....
> Come on guys.  These are all features :)  Actually, really, they are
> this time.
> >
> > If you search for a term, the open bible module is not automatically
> > selected, one has to change it in the search window...
> The last focused module always receives search focus.

I'm not ALWAYS getting that...maybe its a modular thing....
I went to double check and it seems to work now...

> > upon closing the search window (temporarily) it resets  the searching
> > module...and sometimes, the quotes of the verses do not show, and
require a
> > re-search, to correct the error...
> Search previews alway display with last focused module.  This gives
> interesting results if you searched in a Bible then focused a lexicon,
> but for more cases then not, it's useful.

I'm not ALWAYS getting that...maybe its a modular thing....
I went to double check and it seems to work now...  (I think its when I load
Sword for the first time....) after a couple of searches its fine....

> And besides, if you don't like it, add an option to change the default
> behaviour-- but not until this release is out! :)

I'm just a tester....I wish I could program....:)


thanks troy for the comments

> -Troy.

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