On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 03:19:59PM -0700, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hey Steven,
>       Welcome.  I pray you find a desire for a piece of the project you 
>       would like to fix/improve/add!  Thank you for your willingness to share in 
> this ministry for our Lord.
>       -Troy.
> Steven wrote:
> >   Good day to everybody,
> >
> >I joined the mailing list two days ago. I justed want to say hi from
> >Johannesburg. I work in IT as a development manager at a healthcare
> >company. I got a degree in Bible Studies as well, i'm a teacher at the
> >church.
> >
> >God bless
> >
> >Steven

I'd like to introduce myself too.  My name's Matt Dunford.  I joined the
list yesterday.  I work as a PHP programmer in Bolzano, Italy (tho I
originally hail from California).

I've had a lifelong interest in the Bible.  I've read various portions
of it in Latin, Greek, and English.  I'm glad I came across this
project.  It makes texual comparison very easy.  I'm also impressed by
the commentaries.  A big Thank You to those of you who put this project

Programming-wise I may not be of much use to this project unfortunately.
I can code C, but I've never even looked into C++.  But I'll keep an eye
on this list & see what I can do.

- Matt Dunford <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..
-. www.zotikos.com -- o,;-
Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life
imitates art far more than art imitates life.
   -- Oscar Wilde

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