On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 07:38:24PM +0200, Martin Gruner wrote:
> > I've beenlooking at/for docs, but didn't see anything on this. Can you
> > tell me roughly where I should be looking?
> Sure. They should be installed on your system. Select help->handbook in 
> BibleTime. If this does not work, you can look at the online handbook at 


I don't seem to have a "handbook" choice on the help pulldown. Guess that
means there's something I didn't install, eh?

Another thing I haven't figured out yet (and maybe if I had the "handbook
choice it would answer this one, too) is when I do the customizei toolbar
thing, it doesn't actually change anything on the screen.

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------
  "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
  Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government there will be no end. He 
 will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding
      it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever."
------------------------------- Isaiah 9:7 (niv) ------------------------------

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