One should be tagged with the infinitive.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eeli Kaikkonen
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [sword-devel] kjv2003: "tina" in heb 5:12
> On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Benjamin Norman wrote:
> > genitive word, as was your first inclination :). I will change this,
> Sounds reasonable. I will add "of" to "glory".
> > I have a question for the list: in Heb 5:12 there is 'which {FI}be{Fi}'
> > ... /what/ is _which_ supposed to be marked with? Nothing I tried to
> > match it to with seemed right, and I left it unmarked until further
> > inspiration. So far it has stumped Troy and myself (sorry Troy ;).
> >
> So two blind need one who can lead them ;)
> UBS Greek New Testament tells that "tina/", accent on the second
> syllable, is not very certain. Byzantine text has "ti/na". BAGD says
> that "ti, ti/na" can be used "as a substitute for the relative"
> (meaning 1 b dzeta). So "tina" is not "that one" but "which". "One"
> means that "one teaches" and "one" is implied from context. Maybe it
> should be tagged with "teach".
> Let me fall into ditch if I am wrong.
>   Sincerely Yours,
>       Eeli Kaikkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Suomi Finland

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