Hey guys,
Sorry for being a little scarce lately. I've had alot going on, recently. A few of us that meet on irc.freenode.com #sword have a sword prayer meeting biweekly and I haven't yet got my update to the guys for this Sunday's. I think this time I'll make it public.

The last couple weeks have seen many changes for me. I started a new job last week. It's a short term position with a Christian organization in town and should last around 6 weeks. With the recent situation with permission withdrawals I had to take 2 days off to resolve the matter. At the bottom of this note you will see Larry's most recent response, so it looks like we are not being publicly accused any longer.

I feel this is important to say to Larry, and for the record: Complying with your requests does not mean that I admit to any of the claims of which you had accused me, personally. I have complied because you asked me to-- as I have always tried my best to do in the past. I've been personally hurt by your recent attitude toward me and I'm not quite sure why you have had such a recent change of heart.

Now, on to brighter things! A fairly large organization that holds the copyright to one of our most requested locked modules is interested in hearing more about our software and I have been delinquent in responding to their technical questions as to what our software can accommodate for them. Pray I get off my butt and prioritize my time better and that my letter to them finds favour, along with our software-- in all of it's various forms.

I have a meeting with the American Bible Society next week to talk about OSIS markup and to demo our KJV2003 distributed editing tool. They had showed it to their translators and were interested in capturing this valuable data AS THEY TRANSLATE, so WE won't have to do it after the fact! This is great news and an exciting opportunity to hear about what they are interested in. Many of you know that it's been a long desire of mine to one day start a distributed, translation team management software package. This is a great opportunity to make contacts and learn from the source. Please pray for a safe trip and meeting. It's Tues. - Thurs.

My family is attempting to sell their house, and they really need to sell it pretty quit. All of my brothers and sisters are still single and we love eachother, so HEY we all still live together. But my folks really need to settle down, get a smaller place and enjoy their retirement. Please pray that we sell the house VERY SOON and for a decent price. And for us all as we take on this new chapter in our lives. It's gonna be weird not having my family together. And for me as I look for more permanent income and where to reside! Exciting and scary, all at the same time. Kinda like girls. (sorry)

Please pray for Larry, that whatever is making him feel hurt and betrayed is resolved and that He feels used by God again. And that he, and us, never forget that God loves us, not because of, but even in spite of our returns to Him.

Thanks for being such a great group to work with, you guys really are loved and family to me.


Larry Pierce wrote:
*Will take you at your word and remove your name tonight. Thank you.

.. larry

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