Title: Re: [sword-devel] Sword, PHP, and PostNuke
Does anyone know off-hand if support for STEP format would accomplish these goals?

For what it’s worth, Accordance tends to put notes in a separate module, which can then be put in a pane side-by-side with the actual text. I find that that works quite well (especially if the footnote indicators are left in the original text so you know they are there.)


Thus spake "Rev. Michael Paul Johnson"> :

At 23:39 08-01-03 -0500, Patrick Narkinsky wrote:
I was wondering... I am a bit concerned by this lack (since I am not a big
fan of KJV and am a big fan of the apocrypha - at least for research). Would
there be an interest in a new file format to overcome the numbering/naming
limitations?  I might be willing to put some time into it if there were.

Yes. I would like to see a format that:

1. Directly supports any reasonable versification (i. e. M-Text/WEB, NA/UBS, NIV, KJV, REB, etc.) for both the OT/NT Canon and the DC/Apocrypha.
2. Supports verse bridges (i. e. two or more verses translated as a unit without a clear indication of where one stops and the other starts) -- necessary for the Tok Pisin Bible and many others.
3. Supports proper poetry and prose formatting. (It amazes me how many people mangle these and see no value in them!)
4. Is open and easy to convert existing texts to and from.
5. Supports partial Bible texts (i. e. for Bible translations in progress).
6. Supports interlinear texts.
7. Supports footnotes, cross-references, and commentary notes (both editable personal notes and read-only notes by others). (Commentary should be in a separate file.)

Compression and even compactness are not essential. Speed of access is important. Indexing can help do that, but it should be done such that an index can be built on-the-fly if it doesn't exist.

Rev. Michael Paul Johnson
Servant of Jesus Christ
President, Rainbow Missions, Inc.
Senior Editor, World English Bible
http://eBible.org/mpj/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 011+675+737-4519

Patrick Narkinsky - Apprentice Pastor, Hope Community Church

"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - Chesterton

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