I don't think this will answer all of your questions, but...

Back some time ago I played around with creating commentary modules for
Bible Reader.  How you do it is - with Diaspora check the PBR, select module
(Bible or commentary only - dictionaries won't work) to convert.  The
following will be a text file.  Then you use BibleConverter to convert the
text files into a .pdb

Poetry used to have a page explaining the markup.  The file I attached is
Mat. 1:1-20 of Family Bible Notes of Diaspora output of PBR.

There are several problems I ran into while trying to do this some time
back.  One, the BibleConverter would choke if you tried to convert a file
bigger than about 2 MB.  I was browsing around with the Java help files
recently and found out there is some heap size setting (xms?) that you can
do - but I couldn't get it too work for me.

Also, Palm OS has a limitation of 64KB per record.  Back when I was trying
to convert modules, I had to break up Clarke' comments on some verses into
several verses in order to get it to work.  If I didn't, the program would
crash.  Another limitation of Bible Reader is that you can have a maximum of
12 modules.  That is a serious limitation, especially if the aforementioned
BibleConverter problem cannot be fixed.  I had to cut Clarke's commentary up
into six modules to get it working on Bible Reader.

Another limitation of Bible Reader that I would like to see addressed is the
copy feature.  Right now, you can copy a verse or a page.  I would prefer
being able to copy exactly what text I wish to copy.


<BIBLE NAME="Family" INFO="Family Bible Notes" ALIGN="LEFT">
<VERSE><BOOKTEXT>Matthew<CHAPTEXT>Chapter 1<VERSTEXT>Generation; a record of the 
persons from whom, as a man, Jesus Christ descended. Records like this, and that in 
the third chapter of Luke, were carefully kept by the Jews, and showed that Jesus 
Christ was of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Judah, and of the family of David, 
according to the predictions of the prophets and the promises of God in the Old 
Testament; and thus they exhibit evidence that he is the true Messiah, the Saviour of 
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>Jordan begat Ozias; between Joram and Ozias--the Uzziah of the 
Hebrew--three kings are omitted, namesly, Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah. See note of Mt 
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>Josias begat Jechonias; here Eliakim, son of Josiah and father of 
Jechonias, is omitted. See note on Mt 1:17.</VERSE>
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>Christ; the meaning of the word Christ is, Anointed. Persons who were 
set apart and consecrated to a public office under the Old Testament were, in many 
cases, anointed with oil, in token of their being endued by the Holy Spirit to fit 
them for their duties. So Christ having been appointed and consecrated of the Father 
to the office of Redeemer, is called in Hebrew, the original language of the Old 
Testament, the Messiah; in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the 
Christ; and in English, the Anointed; all meaning the same thing: one set apart of God 
to the office of Redeemer, and divinely qualified for its fulfilment.</VERSE>
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>Fourteen generations; the equality of the numbers--fourteen 
generations thrice repeated--is made out by certain omissions. See notes on Mt 1:8,11. 
This squaring of numbers in the construction of genealogical tables seems to have been 
a common expedient for the assistance of the memory. In determining, however, the 
names to be omitted, the framers of these tables were doubtless guided by particular 
reasons. Thus some suppose that the three kings, Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah, were 
left out of the Jewish tables on account of their connection, through Athaliah, with 
the accursed house of Ahab.</VERSE>
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>On this wise; after this manner.
Espoused to Joseph; engaged to be married to him.
Before;before they were actually married.
Of the Holy Ghost; the conception of Jesus Christ was miraculous, and effected by the 
power of God, according to his declaration, "A body hast thou prepared me."Heb 10:5. 
Though the fulfilment of the promises of God may be long delayed, in due time they 
will be accomplished. Implicit faith in God's word, and patient waiting for its 
fulfilment, are wise; for though heaven and earth pass away, his word will not pass 
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>A public example; not willing to have her punished according to the 
law. De 22:21
Put her away privily, by writing a bill of divorcement, according to De 24:1.</VERSE>
<VERSE><VERSTEXT>Son; descendant of David. Kindness, conscientiousness, and a 
disposition to do right, with a calm, attentive consideration of the whole subject, in 
a case of difficulty, are a good preparation for learning the will of God concerning 

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