So, is there not a way to output these texts in a way that maintains the spacing and line breaks? RTF looks pretty good, but I have to open it in a GUI text editor and can't run rtf through enscript for printing.

On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 03:25 PM, Chris Little wrote:

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Darin Duphorne wrote:

On another note, the text has continued to include non-printable
characters, as below.  I don't know if it's from the original source,
or whether this is a problem with the text output methods.

John 15:16: Christ's Love to His Disciples.       9 As the

The output is UTF-8 encoded. Those are non-breaking spaces, which require
2 bytes in UTF-8.

If you REALLY want Latin-1, you can specify it with e.g. "-e Latin1" in
diatheke. It's not oging to be very useful for anything that includes
non-Latin script characters though. Even Webster's Dictionary is going to
look bad in many entries.


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