Title: Bericht
I am currently working on a project (together with another guy) to include a Bible in a postnuke site.
First I started working on this project by my self and used a script that created sql files from the sword modules. Now with the new guy the module can use the RAW text files from sword and write them into a mysql table so the postnuke module can search within the bible texts.
The module is currently in developing proces and version 0.5 bèta will be released within a few weeks on http://onlinebible.sourceforge.net/
Just wanted to let you all know that Sword can almost be used in a Postnuke/PHP environment, when the postnuke module is finished we will be working on a stand-alone module for all websites that want to use a Bible. So the API of Sword is not used, only the RAW text files are used to get the Bible into a database.
Eduard Wustenveld

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