My apologies for not responding sooner. We have CLX components for Kylix created as a binding to the sword api. There is actually a fairly extensive demo using these components to produce a usable study tool (create by Terry Biggs). We also had someone successfully compile and use these components on windows. He had some trouble at first declaring the external dll and such, but I can hunt down his email and get that to you if you decide to try these and have problems, yourself.

See: sword/binding/clx


Costas I. Stergiou wrote:
Hi all again,
two days ago I posted a message on the list about how I could use
the sword api from delphi and some questions about BCC.
I see now that there is a conversation about a new UI for Sword and
I would like to add some comments on that (although this is only my
second post on the list).

Some months ago I started on a software for personal use that would
help in bible study. Since my best knowledge is in Java (5 years now)
I started the implementation with it. Very soon I realized the (obvious)
fact that Java is NOT for the Desktop. I thought of VB (where I also have
experience) but I quickly dropped the idea since the code it
produces is really slow. I ended up with Delphi (since it is really
easier than C++) and now i have made a first version of a windows
software for bible study. One of the reasons I didn't go with some
of the already existing software is because none of these are quite
good at searching/handling greek text (I am Greek) and none of these
had a modern Greek translation which is the one most commonly used
here in Greece. Also personal notes was really important and no sw
gave real significance to that issue.

I am married with one child, and my responsibilities leave my with
few time to work on this project. I would be really happy though if
I could help anyhow with this idea. I have recently put up a site
with the software which (unfortunately?) is in greek, though I have
made an english version of the software. If anyone would like to
check it out here is the link for the english version of the

I would be really happy if I could help out here in any way, either by
giving the code, some ideas on the platform or anything else I
could help with. I could also give some ideas about the Java platform
since it is my everyday work for years now.

(once more, excuse me for my bad english)

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Chris wrote:

Jason Turner wrote:

Personally I'd rather see a Java version than .NET.

So, to get to my point, I was considering writing a new UI in .NET. However,
.NET cannot utilize native C++ libraries. It can use Managed C++, C#, ActiveX
DLL's and native C libraries. Since I cannot use the Sword API as it stands,
I was considering reimplementing a subset of it in .NET, and then building
the UI on top of that. Of course releasing the whole thing under the GPL.

So, I'm looking for comments. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Is there
anything that I have missed? Should I take a closer look at Diatheke or
ActiveDiatheke? Is someone else already working on a new Windows client?


Jason Turner

On Monday 10 March 2003 09:27 pm, David Trotz wrote:

No the windows version does not allow this. Certain versions of the bible
will automatically break the paragraph into seperate lines per verse, but
other than that the answer is no. Sorry. It may be added someday. David
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Frazier
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: [sword-devel] UI for Windows Question...

I've been looking everywhere for this, and since I haven't found the archive to the lists, I guess I have to ask it here:

How do you view the Bible text one verse per line in Sword for
Windows?!?  BibleTime does this in an obvious way, but I cannot figure
this out at all in Windows.  Does the program do this at all?



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