"The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" is a cross-reference module.

by grace alone,

Don A. Elbourne Jr.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justus Piater" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 2:42 AM
Subject: [sword-devel] Cross references

> Sword (I use it with BibleTime) is a great project, but one thing that
> I miss badly is cross references in the style of many printed editions
> (or am I missing something?).
> Cross references, I think, should be implemented as a separate module,
> independently of any particular Bible version/translation. Maybe the
> lexicon module type is suitable, or perhaps one should create a new
> module type for this.
> I'd like, for example, to drag and drop a verse into a cross-ref
> module window, which then displays a list of cross
> references. Dragging/dropping a reference into a Bible window would
> take me to the referenced passage. This would be especially useful if
> there were Web-brower-style backward/forward buttons associated with
> each window that allow me to navigate back and forth along my history
> of visited passages.
> The Thompson Chain References already do much of this, but only in one
> direction (or am I missing something?): I can click/drag/drop from
> withing TCR to take me to a Bible passage, but not the other way
> (unless I cut/paste an exact word into the TCR selection box). In the
> above terms, what's missing is a way to list all Thompson topics
> associated with a given verse, independently of the Bible
> version/translation.
> This requires that a cross-ref module be indexed by reference. The
> Thompson module should have such an index in addition to the existing
> index by topic name.
> Any comments to the above ideas?
> Where do we get cross references from? I guess that the existing
> references are not usable because (1) of copyright restrictions and
> (2) they are not available in electronic form. (I hope I'm somewhat
> wrong here.)
> In that case, to gather a body of useful cross references, we could
> set up a database where anyone could post suggested cross references
> (with annotations/remarks), which could continuously be peer reviewed
> and periodically be rolled up in an updated cross-ref module
> release.
> If people differ strongly on what type of cross references they like,
> one could release several such modules independently.
> What do you think?
> Justus
> --
> Justus H. Piater, Ph.D.         http://www.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~piater
> Institut Montefiore, B28 Phone: +32-4-366-2279
> Université de Liège, Belgium Fax:   +32-4-366-2620
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