Dear Don A. Elbourne Jr.,

That looks like a perfectly adequate structure. Naturally I would like to add <... id="6:29" > anchors to each verse so I can make a link jump right to the 29th verse.

Going to Print has a nifty way to make every link visible, without having 2 copies of each URI. I wonder if it's possible to use this trick to make the verse numbers visible as well as embedded in anchors, without having 2 copies of each verse number.

Many other people also re-invent their own special tags that they then document as "basically marking a paragraph", rather than using the <p> tag. I fail to see why.

Occasionally I see text that cannot be placed into a strict hierarchy (there's overlapping sections, paragraphs, and verses). For example, 2 Thessalonians 2 in my (paper) Ryrie Study Bible looks something like this:

B  Its Relation to the Apostasy,

3Don't let anyone deceive you in
any way, for [that day will not
come] until the rebellion occurs

C Its Relation to the Man of
        Lawlessness, 2:3b-4

and the man of lawlessness is
revealed, ....
which shows commentary breaking into the middle of a verse in the middle of a paragraph (in the middle of a sentence, even).
(Parenthetical note:
I wonder -- does the commentary even belong in the same (source) file as the biblical text ?
Does it make any sense to put commentary in a separate file, and try to apply the same commentary file to a KJV file on Sunday (blending into a single XHTML file to display) and a WEB file on Monday ?

Paragraph breaks in the middle of a verse seem to be extremely rare,
but I see one at the end of 1 Timothy 6:
G Towards One's Trust,

   20Timothy, guard what has been
entrusted to your care. Turn
away from godless chatter and
the opposing ideas of what is
falsely called knowledge, 21 which
some have professed and in so doing
have wandered from the faith.
   Grace be with you.

From: "Don A. Elbourne Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [sword-devel] Web Interface - Scripture Markup
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:52:44 -0600

I have some ideas on how the scripture mark-up for the web project should be
implemented, but I'm not sure I have all the basis covered. I'd like some
input from those who are familiar with the needs. Basically what I believe
we should do is semantically mark-up the verses and allow CSS to handle ALL
of the display. This way we do not have to worry with font sizes color, and
all that jazz at this time. This is what I am thinking, something like:

<h2>Chapter 1</h2>
<div class="section">
 <span class="verse">
    <span class="versenum">1</span>
        The text of the verse one.
    <span class="versenum">2</span>
        The text of the verse two.
    <span class="versenum">3</span>
        The text of the verse three.

The class names are negotiable.
The "section" div is equivalent to the paragraph for translations that
divide into paragraphs. Some translations then have actual "sections" placed
in by the editors/translators. Do we have modules with this information? If
so, we will probably need an extra class for that.

We could also markup each word with its Strongs number and a link.

by grace alone,

Don A. Elbourne Jr.

David Cary

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