Chris Little wrote:
On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Jimmie Houchin wrote:
Will mod2osis be updated for 1.5?

If so, if mod2osis creates a nice OSIS 1.5 xml text, then I would be quite satisfied with that.

I don't think the changes in OSIS 1.5 will require any changes to mod2osis, but if they do, mod2osis will be updated.

Okay. So the changes in from the 1.1.1 to 1.5 spec don't affect the form or structure of the Sword Modules to OSIS. Is this a correct understanding?

When I search Google for "Treasury of Scripture Knowledge" I get lots of hits but haven't found any which are sources of a text file(s) for the data. But rather many booksellers, software vendors, (many of which are OLB), online accessable TSKs, etc. Not to say such isn't burried in the search results.

The online accessible versions were what I was referring to. It's not usually ideal, but some modules come from such sources.

Ahhhh! the light comes on. :)

This is what you were referring to in the statement about:

Not all modules come from single documents.
>>> Some come from thousands of documents on websites.

I always thought there was an ultimate source for each document/text that Sword had and that Sword had access to the original text or binary file. Much more work than we know, must have taken place for some of these modules. Much thanks.

Thanks for putting up with my questions. Despite my questions I greatly appreciate the Sword project and do use Sword.

It's no problem. If you have questions, ask away.

Thanks for your kindness and your help.

Jimmie Houchin

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