The cheezy display control we use does not allow us to 'hang' any data (like the passage="..." attribute) off of the link. All we get is the link text, so yeah, if the parser can't deal with "Matthäus 2,1" then it won't work. 2 comments:

1) we could change the actual body text to the passage= attribute value, which isn't very cool, but would parse correctly

2) when we switch to an html renderer, this, and many other problems should go away.

Thanks for the comment, testing, and all the work!


Joachim Ansorg wrote:

thanks for the update! I tested in on Win98 and have only one thing I noticed:

The handling of ThML scripRefs should take care of the version= and passage= attributes of a scripRef. Othwise BibleCS gets confused by stuff like <scripRef passage="Matthew 2:1">Matthäus 2,1</scripRef>. The GerElb1871 module contains such markup. Would be cool and helpful if this could be fixed. I'm sorry I have no Borland C++ Builder to help out on this.

The new beta looks good! Thanks for your hard work!


A new release of BibleCS is available and contains all of the tentative
new functionality for version 1.5.6.  Please test and get your feedback
in as soon as possible.  Any locales that need updating, please also get
those in, and if, by my neglect, you did send one in that wasn't added.
 Please resend and I will get it in for the final release very soon,
Lord willing.


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