On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 07:07, Rev. Michael Paul Johnson wrote:
> A commercial project can use PD code or LGPL code, but it
> cannot use GPL code.

False. Many of them do, the classic example being Microsoft's Services 
For Unix (SFU), which includes not just GPLed code but the GNU Compiler 
Collection (GCC).

A commercial project is quite at liberty to include GPLed code, 
providing that any derivatives are also GPLed.

What this means is that GPLed code and "secret sauce" code must not be 
commingled, but there is nothing stopping an application from using 
discrete GPLed components.

It is also possible to run a commercial project using 100% GPLed code. 
An obvious place is in vertical markets, where your expertise adds 
sufficient value to the project that the code is mainly there to 
support it.

Cheers; Leon

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