Hi sword-devel'opers,

I was authoring a TWiki page as a "place-holder" for a LcdBible link, and
noticed the "Topic Classification" drop-down for TWiki authoring. This had
intriguing entries for "NoDisclosure", "PublicSupported", and "PublicFAQ"

If memory serves, these categories seem new since the last time I did TWiki
authoring a month or so back. Is this intended to allow TWiki authoring by
sword-support'ers? If so, SUPER :-)

< If not, perhaps this could be considered and incorporated somehow. >

As I recall, one of the sword maintainers had legitimate concerns that TWiki
previously had a different purpose (circa 2002). These "Topic
Classifications" seem intended to be a terrific "work around", but I wanted
to check for sure.

<Some asides>
I believe quite a few sword-develop'ers besides myself would enjoy doing
sword-support that involves maximized TWiki references and authoring. With
its very reasonable "learning curve", I believe the majority of participants
on this incredibly gifted talent pool would find it "a hoot" to do
authoring, and relatively simple to learn the brilliantly conceived and
implemented syntax.

I consider it some of Ward Cunningham's best work (that name may "ring a
bell" with some old-timers  ... 70's zmodem ... crc ... XP ... etc.)

There are several baby-step-by-baby-step tutorials available.

Also, assistance on the sword-support task would free up quite a bit of time
by the "beyond incredibly talented" sword maintainers. Most of us have NO
IDEA of all the tedious chores required to facilitate end-users having
access to CrossWire freeware and licensed texts.  They are models of

Highly recommended :-)  Helping out on sword-support is a GREAT way to get
more involved in the CrossWire community. There is even great value to
relative newbies being involved, because their perspective is often much
closer to our end-users. Please, consider this as a way to transition from
being a CrossWire lurker to CrossWire worker.

For His glory and honor,
Lynn A.

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