Hi Shane ...............

So, what one would I use, I seen there were a lot of programs on that one link. It is plain text with no verse markings or chapter or book markings. It has the same amount of verses as the KJV, so what is my next step.

You will use vpl2mod. Do the following when working with Windows. First, create your working directory. Say it is C:\test as an example. Next, create a module sub-directory off this. Say, for example it is esp (you didn't say the name of your module). You now have c:\test\esp Next place your text file (I'm going to call it esp.txt for want of a better name) in the 'test' directory. Put the vpl2mod binary in that same directory. Now go to the command (dos) prompt and cd to the 'test' directory. Enter the command vpl2mod esp.txt esp 0 0 and watch the error messages ;-)

You should now have the files nt, ot, nt.vss and ot.vss in the esp sub-directory. These need to be placed in a directory under your existing Sword installation. It will need to be below modules as: [sword]\modules\texts\rawtext\esp

Next create a text file with the same name as the module (esp?) and call it esp.conf (same name as your module). Make it in the same way as one of your existing .conf files that describes a rawtext bible module. Somewhere on the developer's pages are some excellent instructions for making a .conf file saying what each line does. Place it in the Sword mods.d directory. When you fire Sword up, it should see the new module and let you use it.

Ask for further help if you get stuck.

God bless,


-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) minister of the Netherfield United Reformed 
church, Nottingham see http://www.jesusinnetherfield.org.uk for our church 


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