Just a translator's note: "de" in Greek (always the second word in a sentance) is a paragraph marker. As such it is really shown in English by the indentation. But it "feels" funny if a Greek word is not shown with an English word.


Greg Hellings wrote:


I believe your problem can be resolved with a little expounding of Greek grammar. Both of the depictions are actually correct. I would tend to lean towards the markup you have from Sword as being "more" correct, but allow me to explain it with the following:

The Greek, with the direct "interlinear" style translation under it reads:
      tauta      de   autou  enthumethentos
these things but     he      while thought

I don't usually work with Strongs, but if I can guess what Strongs is doing here it comes down to this: Word 1161 is the particle "de" which is loosely translated as "but" although it simply means a continuation of the story, action or thought and is equally well translated "and, so" etc. Word 846 is probably actually "autou" - which in this case is the genitive form of the pronoun "he." Word 1760 is the genitive "enthumethentos" - the genitive participle of "thought on." Word 5023 is clearly the plural verb "tauta" which means "these" or "these things."

When the genitive pronoun is combined with the genitive participle (the words "autou enthumethentos") the result is what is called, in Greek, the "genitive absolute." Normally when a noun appears in the genitive it indicates possession of something, but when it is combined with a participle, the result could mean almost anything. Most translators would understand the phrase to mean "while he was thinking" but genitive absolutes have to be translated a bunch of different ways, all depending on the context. Sometimes it could equally well be "because" or "after" or "before" or any other number of meanings. The translator has to figure it out from the context. So, essentially, the word "while" does not, strictly speaking, appear in this passage. However, most of the time in your Bible that you see the word "while" and sometimes even the word "because" and so on, the Greek actually has this same exact construct. So the word "while" could be thought of as either part of the noun (word 846) or as part of the verb (word 1760). So both versions of the Strong's markup are technically valid, but the one you get from Sword is more accurate.

Ideally, the word "while" would somehow be indicated as a supplied word in the English translation, if the reader is supposed to be working from the Greek. Many older KJV bibles had this feature by means of italicizing words. However, for everyday readers, this results in less clarity because they think that the italicized word has greater importance, whereas the italics usually mean that the use of this word was *more* of an interpretive decision than the words around it. So you might say that the following is a better parsing of the text:

1161 -> But, and, so
while -> understood from context, also valid as "because" or other possible meanings
846 -> he
1760 -> thought on
5023 -> these things

Hope that helps more than it confuses. If you really want to learn more, get a good Greek grammar that will teach you something about the genitive absolute construct. Or, better yet, do that anyway and learn some Greek so you can read the Bible in Greek... actually, I wouldn't recommend that course of action; it takes too long and is usually too time consuming even when have have learned Greek :).



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