Hello All,
I am back again with one step taken. I created an OSIS XML file. And it works ok. Now the next part is - how do i make new lines for verses? I tried it with HTML's <br> but its not working :-))
I also found some problems in regards to some special characters in my language, such as:
â (Alt + 0226)
ê (Alt + 0234)
î (Alt + 0238)
ô (Alt + 0244)
û (Alt + 0251)
When any of them are inserted in the <verse></verse> or parts of the osis document, the verses are not shown from thence. Is there any way to solve these problem? Or this is NOT an OSIS problem? But the backend coding problem of the website (php)?
I hope someone can suggest me another informative ways to solve the problem I am going through.
Hmm, BTW, I tried to install the Sword modules I downloaded, but I am not able to install them as they said, ICU....dll missing. Anybody can tell me where I can download sword dlls? I downloaded the sword...zip modules on the suggested site, but that is not the notified missing file.
Warm regards,
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