On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 06:19:17PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 12/2/2005 11:05:31 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

    Yes, keying the greek words to the KJV words, and using Strong's
    >numbers to do the keying.
    >For instance, it is useful to know that the LXX uses paradiso where the
    >KJV translates the Hebrew as "garden" or "paradise".

    No interest?  Is the source available for the Java client so I could set
    up such an effort?


  With BibleCS you can create a "Parallel" bible with KJV, WLC, and LXX.
  Switch on Strong's numbers and you get the Hebrew numbers from the KJV and
  Greek numbers from LXX.  WLC does not have embedded Hebrew numbers but
  gives the straight Hebrew.  Anyway, If you right-click on a number you can
  do a dictionary look-up and get the Greek or Hebrew meaning at will.  Have
  you tried this approach?  Once "search" gets improved, you could do some
  fancy things there as well.

I don't know Greek or Hebrew.  How can I tell which Greek or Hebrew word
corresponds to the English word in the KJV with this method?

I'm looking to make automated tools for massive word-studies.  If
looking up a KJV word in Strongs is like taking a shot with a rifle, I'm
looking to code up the equivalent of a concrete mounted machine-gun.
I'm going to be travelling soon, and I want the laptop with me.  It will
be my substitute for Strong's Concordance, but I have something in mind
much better than Strong's.  As a long time Free Software developer, I
will be releasing it under the GPL, of course.  I will also dual license
it under the BSD license for people who are into that kind of thing.


It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Ted Walther
Address: 5690 Pioneer Ave, Burnaby, BC  V5H2X6 (Canada)
Contact: 604-430-4973

     Love is a sharp sword.  Hold it by the right end.
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