
I'm portuguese and I use MacSword a lot. I've been using it for quite a while and I really enjoy it. Unfortunately the portuguese module seems to have a lot of problems (the developer of MacSword told me it had a lot of bugs) so I decided to volunteer to help correct this mistakes. I'm not a software developer and I don't know much about programing, but I'm willing to help. Can you tell me if my help is of any use to the project? I'd really like to see the bugs in the portuguese bible module corrected.

Another thing is that I have been trying to find a printed Bible with the portuguese text you provide and I think that, may be, the name you're using is not the correct one. I will try to get it right and I'll contact you again.

Yours sincerely,

Jónatas da Cruz Ferreira

Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia, 2 R/C C
Tapada das Mercês
2725-575 MEM MARTINS

Telef.: 210 146 649
Tlm.:   933 400 032


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