
I accept all you're saying. But we need to have access to the original source in order to correct our e-text. Luciano is right when he says there is missing text and misspellings that may result in erroneous interpretation. (I'm really concerned about this because I'm a bible student in a theological seminar.)

About the name "Almeida Atualizada", it is indeed a name of a specific review of the Almeida's translation. So, using this name is confusing. I'd say, again, that we need to know the exact original source of this text to name it correctly and stop confusing people.


Em 2006/05/03, às 15:57, Sergio Queiroz escreveu:

I must agree with Leandro that the module is misnamed. I had access
to a paper copy of Almeida Atualizada and it is NOT the same. Even if
Unbound guys say it is OK to distribute, they must provide where they
got it from. Besides, even if it is the Almeida Atualizada, that
version is NOT Public Domain.

If "Almeida Atualizada" (which means "updated Almeida") is not a
registered trademark, anyone can update the Almeida text and call it as

This means nothing, as they come from the same translation.

This has some meaning. It is theoretically possible that two versions
from the same source end up exactly the same, but can you believe
that? It is almost like believing evolution brought us here... And
not even evolutionists would agree on that.

We cannot say anything if we don't know the changes that the IBB has made
to the text.

If the IBB thinks the module has copied their copyrighted work, it is up to them to raise the legal problems. We have no legal standing on this. They should know the existence of this module for a long time (it appears to me that it is also the same text that is available at the popular site http://www.biblegateway.com , also marked as public domain), Luciano Dutra has already talked to them about this in the past. If they never a made
copyright infrigement claim, it is also an evidence that the module is

Read the message by Chris Little here

I have read the Chris Little's message and the rest of the tread and
he doesn't say nothing against Leandro's position. I think everyone
is just washing hands. I know the President of the Portuguese Bible
Society personally and I will contact him to know if I can evaluate
the copies and, if needed, obtain the necessary permission. (If they
don't hold the copyright they can help me to contact with the holder.

"We know where we got the currently available PorAA module and we know
that its source says it is okay to distribute" seems clear enough to me. I
have no reasons to doubt his affirmation.

Can I suggest that we start writing to the list every time we
encounter errors?

Can I suggest that we write a summary of errors?

It is true that we cannot accept the differences if they come from a
copyrighted work, but it seams that NO ONE has access to the Public
Domain source. The only ones that should be able to do that are the
Unbound guys and they don't know or don't bother.

As I said, I see no reasons of doubting that the PorAA itself is a public
domain source.

But, again I say, the module is missnamed. I can give you the opinion
of a scholar on that: my greek's professor at the theological
seminar. He has been in several groups of translators for several
portuguese bible versions and he told me that the version I have IS
NOT Atualizada. If you compare several Almeida modified Bibles you
will conclude the same that I did: you cannot read through without
encountering differences at least in 1/3 of the verses.

He is referring to a specific version that is called "Atualizada". This is a very generic term, that could be used by anyone, if not trademarked. If
we think this could generate confusion, then we could advocate a name
change. Personally, I don't see that calling the module "Almeida
Atualizada" means that it is the same text of a version that used that
name in the past.


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