Deut 22.22 has two cross references. The first one works, the second one does not.

I've spent some time studying the verse content and also some other verses containing <note type="crossReference">...</note>

It appears that the assumption is that crossReference (xref, for short) notes only contain a list of <reference> elements. The web tool takes each of these, gets the verse and presents it in a popup div. All other text in the note is ignored.

However, this assumption is not valid. In the case of ESV, most xref notes are surrounded by [ ... ] and contain a semi-colon separated list of references. However some also contain additional text and some contain only text.

In the case of the second note, it contains only text and no <reference> elements.

There is another problem with the encoding of some xref notes, e.g. Deut 22.5. A good number of them end with ]0x19. That is a closing bracket followed by Unicode 0x19. This character is stripped out by this front end. Not sure how other front-ends handle it.

I found a problem with the web tool using safari. It may just be my newness to the Mac. I cannot figure out how to dismiss an xref popup div.
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