Thanks for the hints.

I build mod2zmod.exe and wrestled with it for a while, but didn't end up with anything that showed up in sword.exe 1.5.8 rc1.

What would the command line steps be to compress something like the WEB (currently rawtext)? Do you have to change the web.conf, and, if so, in what ways?

Also, there is a file mod2zmod2.cpp that refers to the non-existing ztext.h. Do you know anything about it?

Barry Drake wrote:
Hi Lynn .........

L.Allan-pbio wrote:
I'd appreciate a hint or two on how to create ztext modules.
It's really simple.  You make a plaintext module and install it as a
Sword module, then run the command line utility mod2zmod.  This can
make a compressed module either with or without a cipherkey depending on
the parameters you pass.  Run mod2zmod without parameters to get the

God bless,


-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) minister of the Netherfield United
Reformed church, Nottingham see
for our church homepages).

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