I've encountered a problem trying to use "The Bible Tool" to check the ESV. The Go to: input field only results in seeing the copyright/publisher information.

Here are the steps using IE 6
* www.crosswire.org
* select "Read the Bible" link to get to www.crosswire.org/study
* specify the ESV Biblical text
* Now the ESV copyright/publisher info is shown

* Enter a verse-reference in the "Go to:" input field, such as Genesis 1:1 or Genesis 1 and click on the "go" button.
Still showing the copyright/publisher information. The URL is:

If I do a search for a work, such as "generation", then I see a list of verses that match. From that point on, the "Go to:" input works ok.

Actually, this seems to happen with all Bible texts, not just the ESV.

Am I doing something wrong, or leaving out a step?

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