I've run in to the same thing & it puzzles me, too.  Let us know if you
figure it out & fix it.
> Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:41:52 -0700
> From: Geoffrey W Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [sword-devel] Windows CS Personal Commentary
> In the help files it says the following
> Multiple Verse (passage) Comments
> All the verses of a passage can be linked to the same comment in the
> Personal Commentary module. Create a comment using Edit Entry for one of
> the verses and then for each remaining verse make the verse current and
> then select Link to Comment for Verse and enter the name of the verse
> with the comment to link to. Parallel verses can also be linked this way,
> though it is best to avoid mixing passage and parallel comments. A better
> way to do Parallels and cross-references is to put a verse list in the
> comment or copy and paste comments.
> I tried making a test comment on John 1:1 and typed in "this is a test".
> I saved on exit and it was visible in the commentary window.
> Then when I went to John 1:2 and chose"link to Comment" I typed in John
> 1:1.
> My comment in John 1:1 disappeared.
> Am I misinterpreting the help file or is there a bug in the system.

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