
For a search operation I need to know the number of all entries in a GenBook like Hesychius.
Can someone please provide a code snipped for this?

Btw: I'm almost finished with reworking the whole MacSword search and index engine. After some investigation for ObjC Lucene implementations and wrappers and native Sword search, I noticed that Apple has the SearchKit framework which is available since Mac OSX 10.3. SearchKit is actually the framework on which Spotlight technology is build upon in Tiger systems. Upcomming MacSword versions will use this for searching and indexing. Completely got rid of the JavaVM in MacSword which reduces memory consumption and is easier to debug. Searching now is more relyable and faster. Ranges work again and indexing is also faster.


Hi Manfred,

Good to hear news about MacSword. I was almost beginnig to beleive that MacSword was begining to die.

About search. Recently I noticed a small problem with the indexes. When you first use MacSword search, after it indexes the book in question, if you change the system language in System Preferences > International, then you will no longer be able to use search because the index was created using the name of the books of the language originally used. It still searches and it still displays the results but every verse will be displayed as Revelation of John.

Jónatas Ferreira
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