Hi there ....

I did a bit more delving.  I'm sure there is something wrong with the 
module.  The 'raw' output from any footnote fails to return a parameter 
for 'value' (which ought to be the footnote number).  I don't know 
enough about Osis to have any idea how to put this in, but it's the lack 
of a footnote number that seems to me to cause the problem.

The other parameters in the raw url ('module', 'type' and 'passage') are 
correctly returned.  Oh - and suddenly BibleDesktop won't show the 
footnotes anymore after it had locked up while trying (and failing) to 
show me the source.  I had to hit the big red button to get out of that 
one!  It still shows the footnotes properly for other modules that 
contain them.

God bless,

-- From Barry Drake (The Revd) minister of the Netherfield United 
Reformed church, Nottingham see http://www.jesusinnetherfield.org.uk for 
our church homepages).


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