On Thursday 07 February 2008 11:28:44 am Luke Plant wrote:
> I'm using BibleTime 1.6.5, (although I think it is actually a CVS
> version, and I had the same with 1.6.4).
> With all themes except 'High Contrast', it works fine.  With 'High
> Contrast', I see a footnote number in the text, in round brackets, like
> this: (1), but superscripted.  In fact, it is always (1), never (2) or
> the numbers that I see with other themes.  When I hover it, nothing
> appears in the 'mag' view.  Sometimes, with the KJV, selecting the text
> near the footnote marker will cause the footnote to appear in the mag.

I just confirmed this myself with a bible. Can you fill out a bug report on 
this in the sourceforge tracker? That way I can assign it to myself so it 
doesn't get lost in the mailing list archives.

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