Maybe I am blind but I do not see a link to your programme?


Ben Morgan wrote:
> Hi All,
> Happy Easter.
> I've just release BPBible 0.2, my Python based Bible viewer.
> It's homepage has moved to, where it is being hosted.
> Some of the new features:
>    - Linux support, in addition to Windows support
>    - Gospel Harmony feature
>    - Strong's Headwords support - show the (transliterated Greek or
>    Hebrew) word instead of the number
>    - Version comparison window
>    - Sticky tooltips - detach a tooltip for later use
>    - Back and Forward buttons
>    - Tidier Copy Verse Dialog
>    - Quite a few keyboard shortcuts to speed up your browsing. For
>    example:
>    - Quick copy - just select a range and press Ctrl-Shift-C to copy the
>       verses selected in the style you last used
>       - Quick reference lookup - just press g and type
>       - Quick search - just press s and type
>       - Many more fixes and tweaks
> There are no Linux binaries available, but it's reasonably easy to build (I
> hope).
> I would really love as many people as possible to try this out, and give
> suggestions for improvement. That way I can prioritize certain areas of the
> software. And if anyone wants to help...
> Can anyone try it out on a Mac? wxPython is meant to be cross-platform, but
> past experience shows it can take a few changes to get it working under a
> different platform.
> Hopefully I will get my Install Manager troubles worked out before the next
> version of BPBible, so that it will have a remote install manager.
> God Bless,
> Ben
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness,
> but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish,
> but that all should reach repentance.
> 2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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