I'm really sorry. I never finished this reply. There is more going on
sword-devel about getting bibles into the sword format. I hope someone
there can work with you if you are still interested.


On 12/06/05, Tupuola From Pacificflair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Talofa Daniel,

Greetings Tupuola :)

> Hope your well.  It's been awesome watching the developments online!


> I am following up on commencement of the Samoan Bible version and 
> translations.  Can
> you please advise what is required before any developments commence.

We just need permission [ed: can't remember what I was saying here]

> I have also arranged for two Bible colleges in Samoa to assist where they 
> can, they are happy to be linked directly to the developments.



> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Daniel Glassey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Thu, 12 May 2005 09:20:51 +0100 (BST)
> >
> >
> >On 12/05/05, Tupuola From Pacificflair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Thank you so much for the quick response.
> >>
> >> The ultimate goal is to have the Pacific languages available for people to
> >use on a computer.  We are happy to lead any work that involves this but not
> >'coding' as no one here knows how to code. . .
> >
> >That's fine - we can handle the technical side of getting the texts to work 
> >in
> >sword and you can work on the side of obtaining the texts.
> >
> >> Should we contact copyright at crosswire dot org and cc you in?
> >
> >I'm one of the people on the list that that address goes to so just send 
> >there
> >
> >:)
> >Daniel
> >
> >
> >> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> >> From: Daniel Glassey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Date:  Wed, 11 May 2005 12:34:46 +0100 (BST)
> >>
> >> >On 11/05/05, Michael Riversong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> As a sort of temporary solution, maybe this would help.  I've collected
> >> >> a few Bible translations onto what is now a standardized CD.  Haven't
> >> >> found good software yet, but this will at least give something.
> >> >
> >> >Hi Michael,
> >> >I'm sure the GnomeSword, BibleTime (and BibleDesktop) would love to hear
> >where
> >> >their software is lacking so it can be improved ;)
> >> >
> >> >> If you
> >> >> can copy the CD, then it would at least be a set of basic texts.  These
> >> >> CDs are currently being distributed to other Christian schools (i'm a
> >> >> teacher at a small Christian school here in Cheyenne) and students.
> >> >> Everything on them is public domain or GPL.
> >> >>
> >> >> I've noticed that in Linux, it is easy to bring up HTML, PDF, and text
> >> >> files on screen and search individual files, meaning in this case
> >> >> individual books of the Bible.  Only in PDF format can you get the
> >> >> entire Bible displayed for searches, and it's slow.
> >> >>
> >> >> Not familiar with the Yoper distro -- wondering what word processing and
> >> >> desktop software is included.  I've done searches on individual books
> >> >> using standard Linux tools such as Abi Word, KWord, KDE desktop, and
> >> >> sometimes Gnome desktop.
> >> >>
> >> >> Let me know what your address is.  I could send out a CD within the next
> >> >> few days from here.
> >> >
> >> >Talofa Tupuola,
> >> >
> >> >If you have good bandwidth then you can download the sword CD image 
> >> >(~400MB)
> >> >from ftp://ftp.crosswire.org/pub/sword/iso/sword20050214beta.iso.gz
> >> >It includes many public domain translations and some others with special
> >> >permission, but no Samoan Bible yet.
> >> >You will need to uncompress it then burn it to a CD.
> >> >
> >> >Otherwise, is anyone there else on the list from Australia/New
> >Zealand/Pacific
> >> >area that could burn one and post it?
> >> >
> >> >> On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 04:17, Tupuola From Pacificflair wrote:
> >> >> > Talofa (greetings) members,
> >> >> >
> >> >> > My name is Tupuola from Pacificflair.  I wrote some time ago and had
> >just
> >> >realised that it bounced as I receive numerous emails.
> >> >
> >> >Arg, apologies for this - we reject mails from people not subscribed to 
> >> >the
> >> >devlist to reduce spam.
> >> >
> >> >> > Below is the contents of my last email:
> >> >> > My name is Tupuola and the reason why I write (and signed up) is 
> >> >> > because
> >> >our company is rolling out thousands of ex-leased pc's throughout the
> >country
> >> >(New Zealand) to low income families targeting Pacific families.  Our pc's
> >are
> >> >linux based (Yoper distro) operating systems only.  With each pc, we want 
> >> >to
> >> >have the Bible or a Bible software installed as we need to use this medium
> >to
> >> >spread the word.  I don't attend a particular church or have a spiritual
> >life
> >> >but I know that the answers are in that black book that my father read
> >> >everyday.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > We are shipping thousands of pc's to the Pacific nations very soon 
> >> >> > with
> >> >'voip' pre-installed for less expensive communications etc.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > The purpose is to 'lift the bar' for Pacific Nations people and to
> >remind
> >> >people that there are answers to why we are created.  We are getting tired
> >of
> >> >being labled 'low decile' etc as well.  With a Bible software installed 
> >> >and
> >our
> >> >ongoing translations, this will draw people close to God and the pc for
> >better
> >> >development.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > We are based at Samoa Capital radio station (in Wellington NZ) and
> >> >developing glossary of terms for Pacific nations starting with the Samoa
> >> >language and then moving onto other Pacific languages.
> >> >
> >> >Great, this sounds like wonderful work :)
> >> >
> >> >> > Questions:
> >> >> > Is there a linux based Bible software available? prefebly free?
> >> >
> >> >As DM Smith said there are 3 sword based options available on linux which
> >are
> >> >free(cost) and free(dom).
> >> >
> >> >> > Can we assist with translations of the Bible? if so, how?
> >> >
> >> >Yes! You sound like the ideal kind of people to contact the publishers of
> >the
> >> >Samoan Bible, and then other Pacific language bibles. Contact copyright at
> >> >crosswire dot org and we can discuss what you want to say.
> >> >
> >> >> > Sorry for the long email folks.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Can someone please contact me asap to progress this.
> >> >
> >> >Sorry again for the delay.
> >> >
> >> >> > Keep up the good work!
> >> >
> >> >Regards,
> >> >Daniel
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> Sent via the WebMail system at pacificflair.com

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