Hi Manfred,

After I did as you told me to workaround the problem with not having  
"module installer" I managed to see it.

Jónatas Ferreira

Em 2008/07/05, às 20:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

> Hi J?natas.
> Hmm. I didn't notice that the "2" of 1.4.0b2 is not shown in "About"
> window.
> But it is that there is just not enough space to show the "2".
> If you have build number 86 (it is shown as part of the mounted .dmg
> image name) then you have the latest version.
> There defenitely is the module installer but it maybe that depending
> on the language you use I forgot to add the menu item.
> A "Module installer..." menu item should be directly above
> "Preferences..." menu item.
> Which language are you (and your friend) using?
> You can try to switch off all languages except "English" as a work
> around.
> This is done in the Application infomation window (right-click on .app
> and choose "Information") in the languages section.
> Regards,
> Manfred

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