David Trotz wrote:
> That would be easy enough to do. I currently have it stop just beyond
> the end of the last line in a chapter, so that you cannot scroll and 
> scroll beyond that point only to get confused when trying to scroll back.
> Anyone else have an opinion about this? Scroll till the bottom of the 
> last line, or scroll till the top of the last line of the last verse?
I was thinking it would look good to have the last verse stop at the 
bottom of the screen.  It leaves the most amount of readable text.

Everyone is talking about an optional advanced menu for Windows Mobile 
devices.  What about an optional navigational toolbar?  I know screen 
real estate doesn't come cheap on these mobile devices, but a quicker 
way to change between at least adjoining chapters and books would be nice.

If an optional toolbar isn't agreeable, how about two buttons or links 
that scroll into view after the last verse?
The text could as simple as Prev and Next.
If it was the last verse of the first chapter have Prev point to the 
adjoining book and Next point to the adjoining chapter.
If it was the last verse of the last chapter have Prev point to the 
adjoining chapter and Next point to the adjoining book.

Daniel Blake

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