Brian J. Dumont wrote:
> David Troidl wrote:
>> Brian J. Dumont wrote:
>>> So I've been updating some genbooks modules per comments from the
>>> beta tests.  I think I've come across an error in either the DTD or
>>> the documentation for ThML.  The problem has to do with citation
>>> tags.  The docs I've been using are directly from CCEL:
>>> where it says:
>>>     Citations of other works such as books or treatises may be marked
>>>     with the <citation> element. That element may also take an href
>>>     attribute to specify a URI for the cited work, if available.
>>> I'm using the DTD from them as well:
>>> <!DOCTYPE ThML PUBLIC "-//CCEL/DTD Theological Markup Language//EN"
>>> "";>
>>> If I add a <citation> element, then xmllint claims that it fails
>>> against the DTD:
>>>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] xmllint --valid tst.xml > law_gospel.xml.clean
>>>     tst.xml:15312: element citation: validity error : No declaration
>>>     for element citation
>>>         In the <citation>Preface to the Book of Concord</citation>
>>>     (Mueller, p. 16. 17;
>>>                                                                   ^
>>>     tst.xml:15344: element p: validity error : Element citation is not
>>>     declared in p list of possible children
>>>     perhaps, while the blind are leaders of the blind, all might
>>>     perish.&rdquo;</p>
>>> If I remove the tag, then it works fine.  Should I just remove the
>>> markup or should we try to fix this (it's not really in our files)? 
>>> Do we know who to contact at CCEL for this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brian
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>> If you look in the DTD, you'll find <!ENTITY % SYSTEM
>> "bible.mod">
>> and it looks like bible.mod contains the citation element.
>> The whole DTD package is available at
>> Look under
>>      For the SGML/XML types:
>> ( <>)
>> Peace,
>> David
> Thanks for the response, David.
> That might be the problem!  It's in bible.mod ... I am not using this in
> a Bible, but rather in a genbook.  From bible.mod, it would never be in
> the subcontext of <p> ... </p> tags.
> Does this mean no citations in genbooks?  Seems a bit odd...
> In Christ,
> Brian
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1) I don't know if being in bible.mod actually restricts the <citation> 
element to bibles.

2) You could always use the <cite> element defined in the main DTD.

3) You could contact CCEL:
Harry Plantinga, who runs CCEL, created ThML originally.



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