Hi Manfred,
Hi David,

I can only say amen! to the words written by David. I'll try to test it too.


Em 2008/12/16, às 19:00, sword-devel-requ...@crosswire.org escreveu:

I can't wait to install this on my mac later today. I will keep you
posted on my findings. Thanks for putting your time into this, its great
to see MacSword alive again.

Manfred Bergmann wrote:

After half a year of work on the next major release of MacSword I
would like to release still an early alpha version to the public.
All version numbers lower than 2.0 are considered alpha versions.

The following things are implemented and are considered working except
many, many minor issues:

- workspace host window which enables tabs for all major views (Bible
(Combi view), Commentary, Dictionary, Genbook)
- single host window which can hold only one view of the above
mentioned (tabs can be detached from workspace host and opened in
single space host)
- combi view that can display bible views in parallel (as many as fit
on the screen)
- combi view also can host commentaries (and later dictionaries and
- all views that display module data/text are based on NSTextView
instead of WebKit. NSTextView and the text processing system of Cocoa
allows much more posibilities for text editing and processing than
WebKit. The drawback is that the HTML data has to be converted to
something which NSTextView can display (internally) which costs some
time. But displaying 4-5 books at a time should be fast enough.
- all parallel bible and commentary views in combi view are
synchronized. This means that while scrolling a bible or commentary
text all other views are synchronizing itself to the currently visible
verse. ATM the views are synchronized to the verse displayed at the
top line. More functionality is planned for the future here.
- HUD preview window which shows cross-refs, refs, notes, strongs
(more will come)
- indexed search based on Apple's SearchKit
- background indexer which automatically indexes all modules types.
- in view search through NSTextView's Find panel
- automatic application updater based on Sparkle open source Cocoa
- module installer
- bookmarks manager
- session saving and loading (though the session is currently saved in
/tmp which will be deleted after restart)

There are also many, many things missing that will hopefully be
implemented next year:
- a wizzard for the first run which guides the user to get some
modules in
- localization
- personal commentary editing
- improvements on the UI in terms of context menus, images, improving
overall ease of use
- removing all the rough edges
- display options, fonts, colours
- search options (range search and such, maybe a wizzard for creating
a query statement)
- interconnection between the data and all the views
- daily devotions
- word statistics
- timeline view

The application will not be made available at SourceForge yet.
For everyone interested in testing and giving feedback please have a
look at some screenshots or download the application.
The application will only work on Mac OSX 10.5.
It is possible to use MacSword 1.4 (and below) and MacSword 2 in
parallel. None of your data should get lost but backups of your
bookmarks and other files would not hurt.



Any help for example for finding appropriate images actually for all
parts of the application, finding bugs or giving opinions are very


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