Jeremy Erickson <> writes:
> In that thread, it apparently does work for Karl on Diatheke
> 4.2.1/Sword 1.5.11, which oddly enough is exactly what I am using.  I
> don't get the newlines from Diatheke but rather get the same output as
> StripText().  Karl, can you verify what version of the ESV module you
> are using?

| [1082] [07:12 PM] awol:~> grep ^Version .sword/mods.d/esv.conf 
| Version=1.0
| Version=1.0
| [1083] [07:12 PM] awol:~> diatheke -b ESV -k is1:12
| Isaiah 1:12: 
| When you come to appear before me,
| who has required of you
| this trampling of my courts?
| (ESV)
| [1084] [07:12 PM] awol:~> svn info /home/karl/src/bible/sword | grep Revis
| Revision: 2174

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